
2004 Honorees

Congratulations to our 2004 Enduring Spirit Award honorees Johanna Cabaug (Tlingit), Lillian Chappel (Yakama), Julie Johnson (Lummi), and Marie Zackuse (Tulalip).


Johanna Cabaug, Tlingit

For outstanding leadership and community involvement in the Washington Chapter of Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. For Johanna, culture is woven throughout her life. She passes on her knowledge of Tlingit & Hawaiian culture to her children and grandchildren and readily shares her button blanket skills with others. Johanna gives freely of her time and expertise to a number of Auxiliaries and charitable organizations.


Lillian Chappel, Yakama

Lillian has devoted her life to volunteerism in the Native community and has actively participated in the American Indian Women’s Service League for over 25 years. Lillian retired from the University of Washington American Indian Studies department after 20 years of service. She continues to actively volunteer for local elders dinners and organizes fundraising events.


Julie Johnson, Lummi

Julie is an active player on the national scene when it comes to advocating for services for Native people. She operates an independent consulting firm that focuses on strategic planning, policy implementation, and direct social services planning with a national tribal client base. Her main focus has been obtaining the needed funds for the social and health services that are so needed in Indian Country. Earlier this year Julie organized “Women Supporting Women” a luncheon focused on Native women in Washington DC Julie has spent her life working on behalf of Native people beginning with her work in Seattle as head counselor for the Seattle Indian Youth Program, coordinating activities for youth that included sports and modeling. Currently she’s working part-time for the Makah Tribe.


Marie Zackuse, Tulalip

Vice Chairwoman Zackuse is the first woman to be elected to such a high position on the Tulalip Tribes Board of Di- rectors. Ms. Zackuse has been passionately devoted to the needs of the Tulalip Community most of her life giving special attention to the needs of the most vulnerable of our communities, children and elderly. She is an advocate for social services to ensure the health, welfare, and growth of the Tulalip Tribal members, now and long into the future. She has also demonstrated great business sense in her involvement in Tulalip’s economic development and long-term financial stability plans.