Native Action Network

Native Action Network is a nonprofit organized to promote Native women’s full representation, participation, and leadership in local, state, tribal, and national affairs. For more than twenty years, NAN has mobilized generations of Native leaders dedicated to serving their communities. By uplifting Native women’s legacies and positive impacts of Native-led initiatives, we affirm Native identities and futures, while advancing justice through community organization.


Native Women’s Leadership Report

A Native Community Vision

Unemployment Insurance

The Native Women’s Leadership Report was initiated by Native Action Network as a first-of-its- kind data collection effort to learn about the leadership goals and interests of Native women throughout the state of Washington, the barriers they face in pursuing these goals, and the types of supports that are most needed to foster their leadership careers. It also sought to learn from Native women currently acting in leadership positions, and to create connections between Native women peers, mentors, and mentees. Leadership positions of interest were not limited to publicly elected office but also included tribal leadership, appointed office, business leadership, nonprofit leadership, and official or unofficial community leadership.

A Vision for the Urban Indian Community is the Assessment of Assets and Opportunities of the King County Urban Indian Population, provided by the United Way of King County, published in 2014.

A Native Community Vision for 2028 is the continuation and extension of United Way of King County’s A Vision for the Urban Indian Community, published in 2014. The report includes key outcomes we can work toward, ways we can honor Indigenous brilliance through education, and more in support of urban Native peoples throughout Seattle and King County.

Click here to read the 4-page summary report.

Native Action Network (NAN) is one of nine grantees across Washington state selected by the Employment Security Department to assist potential unemployment claimants to better understand and access available unemployment insurance benefits.

Our Programs

Mel Ponder

Leadership Forum

The Native Women's Leadership Forum is an annual event full of workshops, breakout sessions, keynote speakers, and panels. The forum is designed with our mission in mind and encourages participants to make a positive impact in their communities. Attendees come from across the country, and from many different professional backgrounds each year. Feedback tells us that participants leave feeling empowered, recharged, and renewed. As part of the forum, NAN hosts a special luncheon to celebrate our Enduring Spirit Award honorees.


Enduring Spirit Awards

Native Action Network recognizes Native women for their lifetime commitments to building strong, healthy Native communities and intergenerational connection. Recipients of the Enduring Spirit Award have contributed significantly to positive change within their communities. These leaders have advocated powerfully for environmental protections, access to quality education, holistic health and wellness, cultural preservation, traditional knowledge, tribal sovereignty, strengthening of treaty rights, tribal economic development and beyond.

Mel Ponder

Youth Academy

Each year, Native women aged 18-24 attend our Youth Academy that prepares the next generation of young Native leaders by combining cultural values with modern tools and services. Spread across three days of challenging and inspiring leadership training, participants’ understandings of money, popular media, personal development, goal setting, leadership, tribal sovereignty, Indian law, networking, and self-expression are strengthened. Young women leave transformed, empowered, and prepared to make a positive difference in their communities.

Ramonte Stanmore

Legacy of Leadership Cohort

Designed for emerging professionals, the Legacy of Leadership Cohort nurtures community leaders and advocates that serve Native populations across Washington. The program brings together a group of individuals to complete 10 monthly leadership training sessions addressing issues in the fields of health, governance, history, education, and more. Cohort members work within a group of their peers to complete a project intended to benefit the Native community.

Mel Ponder

Nonprofit Capacity Building

Native Action Network is offering capacity building workshops for staff and board members working with Native organizations. These courses are for anyone interested in serving their community and supporting the growth of our organizations. Courses are taught by instructors well-immersed in the nonprofit world, and NAN is working to strengthen community capacity by training a group of Native women participants to be instructors in future years. These workshops and trainings are offered at no charge.

Mel Ponder

Woman Warrior Luncheons

NAN introduced a new series of Woman Warrior Bling Luncheons in 2020. The events create an opportunity for participants to take a break during their lunch hour, connect with Native women, and hear from inspirational leaders working in our communities. New guest speakers present at each gathering, and attendees are encouraged to show off their favorite earrings, scarves, and Native bling.


Native-Led Grant Makers Forum

Native Action Network launched a Native-led forum for Pacific Northwest grant makers. Our aim is to host a gathering that can advance meaningful inclusion of Native women in philanthropy, elevate Native women’s voices, and educate the philanthropic sector on the strengths and opportunities within Native communities. Participants from our existing leadership development programs are invited to take active roles in the development and implementation of this forum.

Mel Ponder

Special Projects and Events

NAN hosts pop-up programs, as well as other events and initiatives that address the evolving needs and opportunities in our community. Go to our Events page to learn about upcoming public programs, or learn more about our past special projects.


"Native Action Network has created space for me to build relationships within my community and deepen my understanding of Indigenous leadership, civic engagement, and intersectional organizing. It has been a humbling and enriching experience."

- Legacy of Leadership Cohort Member